Customized Payroll Services


Tired of the headache of trying to manage your business’s payroll? Or frustrated by lack of timely support? We offer dependable, customized small business payroll services that put an end to the hassles of payroll.

We manage a full range of payroll services that include:


Calculation of Federal, State & Local Taxes


Management of voluntary deductions such as retirement plan contributions and insurance payments


Completion of state payroll filings, including quarterlies, year-end tax forms and W-2s


Employer and Employee Self-Service portals


A dedicated payroll specialist to support all your needs

Why should you outsource your payroll?


It's Cost Effective

Use your staff more efficiently by letting us handle payroll and the associated legal details. Reduce overhead by removing the need to hire specialized employees. 


It's a Time Saver

Our payroll service eliminates the burden of customizing, updating and maintaining your own payroll system–no more data entry, no more researching updates or new laws, no more worries.  


Comprehensive Reports

You get a wide variety of user-friendly and accurate payroll reports. For a nominal fee, we will include union reports, certified payroll, workers’ compensation reports and much more. 


Allows You to Focus on Core Competencies

Our professional staff allow you to focus on the core competencies of your business. We are accounting professionals–you get the experts working for you and with you. 


Worry Free Tax Filing

Eliminate the risks of calculating and filing your own payroll taxes by having professionals do it for you. Federal, state and local payroll tax laws are frequently changing and becoming more complex.  How much time do you want to spend learning all the rules and keeping your information up to date? 


Get the Payroll Solution That Best Fits Your Needs

We know that when it comes to payroll service – no one size fits all. That’s why we offer multiple solutions to fit your requirements.

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